Development Services
Customer Testimonials

Browse testimonials from some of our most recent clients of our bespoke software development services.

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See what our clients think of our bespoke software development services.

First client testimonial image

Paul Richardson

Technical Director

Turneround Tech created a Radan plugin for our company that has revolutionised our quote to production process! The plugin that they made for Radan has automated the whole process from receiving an order all the way through design to production. After one month of using the plugin re-work due to programming errors was almost completely eradicated. We recommend Turneround Tech without hesitation and have more ideas we would like to collaborate on with them in the future!

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Sara Davies

Sales Director

Turneround Tech did an excellent job in delivering a bespoke customer relationship management solution for our sales department. They were knowledgeable and experienced, with great communication skills which helped us get the exact solution we required. The bespoke software they developed has provided us with the ability to manage our customers expectations much more efficiently. We are very satisfied with their work and would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a custom-built solution.

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Matt Brandon

Production Manager

Turneround Tech provided us with a bespoke work scheduling solution that has had a massive positive impact on our production performance. We can now track all of the orders in production and monitor how much time is being spent on each job through each stage of our manufacturing process. The scheduling capability is amazingly versatile and the built in Gant chart allows us to find and monitor jobs in production with ease. We give our recommendation to Turneround Tech without hesitation and have no doubt we will be working with them in the future!

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Kirsty Davenport

Financial Director

Turneround Tech were tasked with creating an employee time management website for us that has exceeded our expectations. They were very thorough throughout the whole process and made sure that the solution was tailored to our specific requirements. The system is very easy for our employees to use and is saving our accounts department a great deal of work each month. We are extremely happy with the work they have done for us and give them our recommendation them without hesitation.

Fifth client testimonial image

John Cousins

Managing Director

Turneround Tech developed a bespoke cost estimation plugin for our Radan software that allows us to price up material costs at the click of a button. The sales team are extremely happy with the plugin and it has allowed us to respond to customers quotes in record time, ultimately winning us more work. The user interface is easy to use and all the data is stored in a cloud based database so that our sales staff can work from home if needed. These guy's know exactly what they are doing, we recommend them to anyone looking to improve their manufacturing processes!

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